

Who are we ?
Shivalik Herbals is one of the best Ayurvedic & Natural Health Care Company in India. It is GMP (Good manufacturing practices as per the norms of WHO) & ISO 9001:2008 certified company with a portfolio of over 200 Herbal/Ayurvedic products. We have a unique range of world class ayurvedic products and have expertise in Herbal & Ayurvedic Capsules, Tablets, Powders, Tea, Prash, Oils & creams. Your search ends here as here you can find the perfect balance between science of ancient Ayurveda and the modern manufacturing and testing techniques of all the times. We are pioneer in this field for the last 25 years. With its perfect solutions Shivalik Herbals has touched lives of millions of people across globe.

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  • +16 383 Members than 16 383 members trust us
  • +1 036 826,47 Cash more than 16 383 members have them 1 036 826,47 USD last week.
  • +8 Sectors Around the world
  • +988 Qualifications Than 988 members have already qualified
  • +66 Shops Than 66 shops in 8 countries

Our products

We have over 92 products, classified by categories. click here or on the button below to see the list of non-products

A GMP & ISO 9001: 2015 Certified Company